Over MIT's independent activities period, I took a PCB design class and made something neat.
Part of my senior year product design capstone class. Check out the prototype I helped make. A disc sander that stops on contact with fingers!
For MIT's dormitory rush, East Campus likes to build large structures. I was a project lead that helped design, validate safety, and build the structures!
Something I've always been interested in learning is how to make a web application. I saw Sveltekit and decided to give it a shot!
Part of MIT Class 2.008, Design and Manufacturing II, as a small team of six we designed a yo-yo that could be mass manufactured primarily using injection molding and thermoforming techniques.
For MIT's dormitory rush, East Campus likes to build large structures. This was my first exposure to this type of large scale structure management. My best friend and I went through the whole process ourselves with little experience and overcame many hardships.